Article 12 provides a definition of "state" for Part III purposes.
Article 12 and its relevance to the United Nations The Dehli High Court has already held that the UN cannot be brought under its jurisdiction because it is not a State under Article 12.
The PM CARES fund and Article 12 The PM CARES FUND was established as a public charitable trust and was not established under the Consitution or any laws passed by the state or parliament, the Center recently told the Delhi High Court in a plea seeking to make the fund a "state" under Article 12.
Article 12: Judiciary
Judicial and Non-Judicial Roles The JUdiciary is not considered a Sate when it is performing judicial functions; nevertheless, when it performs non-judicial functions, it qualifies as a "State".
Relevant Cases
The Case of Naresh Shridhar Mirajkar (1966) The judiciary ought to fall under the purview of Article 12; otherwise, the courts would have the authority to enact laws that infringe upon citizens' fundamental rights.
The Case of Ashok Hurra v. Rupa Ashok Hurra (2002) According to Article 12, superior courts of justice are not within the jurisdiction of "state" or "other authorities."
The Case of Riju Prasad Sarmah (2015) The court ruled once more that a court cannot be considered a state when it is operating in its judicial role. Nonetheless, its administrative action can be subject to the jurisdiction of writ.